News Archive
The ITReseller has reported on my blog for hidden text salting.
The Forbes has reported on my blog for hidden text salting.
The MSN has reported on my blog for hidden text salting.
The SC Media has reported on my blog for hidden text salting.
The Hacker News has reported on my blog for hidden text salting.
The ZDNET has reported on my blog for hidden text salting.
The GBHackers has reported on my blog for hidden text salting.
The TechRadar has reported on my blog for hidden text salting.
The InfoSecurity Magazine has reported on my blog for hidden text salting.
The Cybernews has reported on my blog for hidden text salting.
I will give a talk, entitled “Catch Me If You Can: 2024 Trends in Email Threats and Evasion Techniques”, at the SecLab in Northeastern University.
Our poster, “Different Victims, Same Layout: Email Visual Similarity Detection for Enhanced Email Protection”, has been accepted to CCS’24.
I will be serving in the program committee for the USENIX Security Symposium.
Our patent, “Systems and Methods for Detecting Visually Similar Emails”, has been filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
The Hacker News has reported on my blog for HTML smuggling.
The IBM X-Force Exchange has reported on my blog for HTML smuggling.
CSO has reported on my blog for brand impersonation detection.
Windowsreport has reported on my blog for brand impersonation detection.
RH-ISAC has reported on my blog for brand impersonation detection.
I will be serving in the program committee for the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS).
I will be serving in the program committee for the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC).
I have been promoted to the security research lead in the email threat research team at Cisco Talos.
I will be serving in the program committee for the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS).
I will join Cisco Talos as a Senior Security Researcher.
I will give a talk, entitled “Applied Machine Learning in Malware Analysis”, at the Center For Cybersecurity And Trusted Foundations in the Arizona State University.
I will be chairing the Machine Learning and Security session of the TheWebConf (WWW).
I will be serving in the program committee for the USENIX Security Symposium.
I will be serving in the program committee for “Security, Privacy, and Trust” track of TheWebConf (WWW).
I will join the protections team at Elastic as a Senior Security Data Scientist.
Our paper, “SCRUTINIZER: Detecting Code Reuse in Malware via Decompilation and Machine Learning”, has been accepted to DIMVA’21.
Our paper, “Preventing Server-Side Request Forgery Attacks”, has been accepted to SAC’21.
My PhD thesis has been selected as the best 2019 cybersecurity thesis in Spain by the Spanish Network of Excellence on Cybersecurity Research.
I will give a talk, entitled “Identifying Malicious Android Applications in the Presence of Adversaries: A Cat-and-Mouse Game”, at Boston Application Security Conference (BASC) organized by OWASP.
I will join Engin Kirda and his research group at Northeastern University as a Postdoctoral Research Associate.
Our paper, “AndrEnsemble: Leveraging API Ensembles to Characterize Android Malware Families”, has been accepted to ASIACCS’19.
I have passed my PhD viva with an Excellent qualification score.
A new version of TriFlow is available with great performance improvements.
The first version of AndrODet has been released in this repository.
I have been awarded a travel grant to attend the 21st Internation Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2018).
Our paper, “AndrODet: An Adaptive Android Obfuscation Detector”, has been accepted for publication in Future Generation Computer Systems.
TriFlow has been selected as the best previously published paper by the 4th Spanish National Cybersecurity Research Conferene (JNIC’18).
Our chapter, “Dynamic Risk Assessment in IT Environments: A Decision Guide”, has been accepted for publication in “Preserving Information and Cyber Security in the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
TriFlow has been awarded the 3rd place by CSAW as the third top applied security research work in Europe.
TriFlow has been selected as finalist among top 10 applied security research works in Europe by CSAW.
I am visiting Dr. Gianluca Stringhini in Information Security group at University College London (UCL).
A new version of TriFlow has been released in this repository.
The first and original version of TriFlow has just been released in this repository.
Our paper, “TriFlow: Triaging Android Applications using Speculative Information Flows”, has been accepted to ASIACCS’17.
Our paper, “Privacy Models in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey”, has been accepted for publication in Journal of Sensors.